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USS Argosy

(Tinclad #27)

Excerpts from deck log of USS Argosy, April 19-May 21, 1864


U.S.S. Argosy                                          Tuesday, April 19th 1864______________



12 to 4 Light wind from the Wd and cloudy. @ 1.45 Steamer “Joseph Pierce” came alongside and delivered dispatches @ 2.15 weighed anchor and started down the river. @ 2.45 went alongside the “Alexandria” @ 3.15 started up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Light wind from the Wd and clear. @ 5.00 came alongside the coal-barges. @ 6.00 commenced coaling. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Light wind from the Wd and clear. @ 9.00 finished coaling taking on board (382) three hundred and eighty two bushels, furnished (1) one month’s rations to the “Alexandria.” @ 9.45 cast loose and proceeded up the river. Steam 130 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Light wind from the Nd and clear. Steam 130 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Light wind from the Nd and clear. @ 4.30 Landed alongside the bank at McKeltons Plantation to repair Machinery. @ 5.30 proceeded up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Calm and clear, underway up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Calm with light fog. @ 10.35 the “St Clair” anchored off “Fort Hudson.” Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary

Amount of coal Recd  382 bh

Amount  -    -    consd  300 –

Amount  -    -  on hand 1600 –


U.S.S. Argosy                                          Wednesday, April 20th 1864______________




12 to 4 Light wind from the Nd and clear, underway up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 8 Light wind from the S.W. and clear. @ 6.30 arrived off the mouth of “Red River” and reported to the flag-officer for orders. @ 7.10 went alongside the U.S. Mail-boat “New National.” Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Light wind from the Wd and clear, crew engaged receiving Paymaster’s stores from the “New National” and (1) one br’l of paint for U.S.S. Osage. @ 11.30 Got underweigh and started up “Red River.” Steam 90 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean




12 to 4 Light wind from the Wd and clear, underway up Red River. Steam 115 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 6 Light wind from the Wd with light rain, underway up Red River. Steam 130 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


6 to 8 Light wind and cloudy underway up Red River. Steam 115 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 10.30 came to anchor off Fort “DeRusey” in three fathoms of water – veered to ten fathoms of chain.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson

Amount of coal cond  300 bhs

Amount  -     - on hand 1300 –

Total sick Three (3)


U.S.S. Argosy                                          Thursday, April 21st 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 8 Calm and clear, washed Hammocks and bags, @ 7.30 U.S.S. “Forrest Rose” passed up. Landed plunder from Skiff taken – last night. Capt. of Str “Ike Davis” came aboard, @ 7.45 up Anchor and proceeded up the river. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light wind from the S.W. Landed at a Plantation (6) Six miles from “Fort DeRussy” and took on board some Refugees. @ 12.00 Landed them at “Fort DeRussy” and came to Anchor in (15) fifteen fathoms of water. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake





12 to 4 Light wind from the Wst and clear. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 6 Light wind and cloudy @ 5.30 fired a shot at two men back of “Fort DeRussy.” Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


6 to 8 Light wind and clear. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Calm and clear, Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason

Amount of coal Consd  50 Bush

Amount on hand        1100   -

Total number of sick Three (3)


U.S.S. Argosy                                              Friday, April 22nd  1864______________




12 to 4 Calm, clear and warm. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.20 U.S.S. St Clair passed up the river. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Strong S.W. wind and clear. @ 9.00 had General Quarters and drill. Received from the “Ike Davis” (12) twelve Muskets, (6) Six cartridge’s boxes and (7) Seven bayonets. Str “Belle Creole” and “Jennie Rogers” passed up. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner




12 to 4 Fresh S.W. wind and cloudy. Strs “Black Hawk” and “New-Kentucky passed up. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 6 Fresh wind from the Sd and clear. @ 5.00 sent cutter to swim (9) nine horses from Fort “DeRussy” to the opposite side of the river. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


6 to 8 Light wind from the Sd and cloudy. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Light wind from the Sd clear and warm. Steam 50 lbs.


Consumed this Day,      50 B.h.

Ammount on Hand,    1100  “

Total sick Three (3)


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Saturday, April 23rd 1864______________




12 to 4 Light wind from the Sd and clear, Steam 30 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 8 Calm and cloudy. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Light wind from the S.W. and cloudy. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary




12 to 4 Strong breeze from the Wd. cloudy and cool. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 6 Fresh wind from the N.W. and cloudy, Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


6 to 8 Light wind from the N.W. and cloudy. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light wind from the Sd and clear. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake

Consumed this Day,    70 B.h.

Ammount on Hand,  1030  “


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Sunday, April 24th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 3.30 Gunboat “Kenwood” came up the river and anchored astern of us. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 8 Calm and cloudy. @ 6.30 the “Kenwood” weighed anchor and came alongside. @ 7.00 She started up the river. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Wind from the S.E. clear and pleasant. @ 9.00 had quarters. @ 10.00 General Muster. After reading the rules for Obedeince of Officers and men they were dismissed. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Light wind from the S.W. and clear. @ 1.30 U.S. Str. Forest Rose passed up, convoying “Str Madison.” @ 2.30 Let steam go down to twenty lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Light wind from the S.W. and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Light wind from the S.W. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Light S.W. wind and clear. @ 10.00 (10) ten men in charge of the Engineer came up from the “Kate Dale” and reported her disabled. Lying (4) four miles below. @ 10.30 Got underway and ran down to her assistance. 10.00 came to anchor astern of her, with (10) ten fathoms range of chain. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner

Consumed this Day,  60 B.h.

Amount on Hand     970  “


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Monday, April 25th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm, clear and cool. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Light wind and clear. @ 5.30 Gunboat No 50 passed down the river. @ 7.20 Government Tow-boat “Brown” passed down. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Light wind from the Sd. @ 10.00 weighed anchor and went alongside the “Kate Dale.” @ 11.00 cast loose and went down the river to the sunken coal-barge. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Fresh wind from the Sd and clear. @ 1.00 crew began taking in coal from the sunken barge. @ 3.00 U.S.Str “Kenwood” passed down. @ 3.30 finished coaling, having received (204) two hundred and four bushels and started up the river. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Light wind from the Sd and clear. @ 5.20 came to anchor off “Fort DeRussy.” Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Light wind from the S.W. and clear. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Light S.W. wind and clear. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary

Amount of coal Recd  104 bush

Amount  -   - on hand 1094 –


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Tuesday, April 26th 1864______________




12 to 4 Light wind and clear. @ 2.15 U.S. Transport “Any One” came up with dispatches and went alongside the bank. Steam 15 lbs.                                                                                                                           R.W. Alson


4 to 8 Calm and cloudy. @ 7.00 the “St Clair” got underway and proceeded up the river to convoy the “Any One” to Alexandria. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Light breeze from the Wd and cloudy. @ 10.30 Got underway and proceeded up the river as convoy to (4) four Transports loaded with troops. @ 11.00 beat to quarters. Steam 110 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean




12 to 4 Light breeze from the Wd. proceeding up the river as convoy to transports. @ 3.00 came to “Wilsons Landing” and rounded too, to start down the river. Steam 110 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 6 Light breeze from the Wd. underway bound down the river. Steam 110 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


6 to 8 Light wind from the Wd and cloudy. @ 7.00 came to anchor off “Fort DeRussy.” at the same time the “Kenwood” came up the river and anchored astern of us. @ 7.30 fired a shot at a Light near the Fort. Steam 15 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Light wind and clear. Steam 15 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson

Amount of coal consumed  150 bu.

Amount -    -  on hand        944


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Wednesday, April 27th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm hazy and Warm. Steam 20 lbs

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 8 Clear and hazy. Steam 30 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Calm and hazy. @ 9.00 had Quarters. First division drilled with howitzer. Second with small arms. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 12.20 the U.S.S. St. Clair anchored astern of us. Steam ?

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 6 Light breeze from Wd and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


6 to 8 Light air and pleasant. @ 6.30 sent A. Ensign Horner, M. Mate Lake on shore with a party of (20) twenty men. @ 8.00 they returned on board. Steam 15 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson

Consumed this Day.    35 Bh.

Amount on Hand.      909.


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Thursday, April 28th 1864______________




12 to 4 Light wind from the Nd and hazy. @ 1.30 U.S.S. No.50 passed up convoying two transports. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 8 Light wind from the Wd and cloudy. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Light wind from the Wd and clear. @ 9.00 had inspection and company drill on shore for two hours. The Ram “Lioness” passed up the river. Steam 30 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner




12 to 4 Light breeze from the Wd and cloudy. @ 12.00 the “Lioness” proceeded up the river. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 6 Light wind and clear. Steam 15 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


6 to 8 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean

Amount of coal consd  30 bush.

Amount  -   -  on hand 879


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Friday, April 29th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 3.00 U.S. Gunboat “Forrest Rose” passed up the river. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 8 Calm with thick fog. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.00 had General Quarters. @ 10.00 U.S. Hospital Boat “R.C. Wood” passed up the river. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 6 Light wind from the ? and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 7.00 the U.S.Strs “Juliet” and “Kenwood” came down with a Transport and anchored astern of the “St Clair.” Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light wind from the ? and clear. @ 9.00 Sent a prisoner on board the “Kenwood.” @ 10.00 two Transports passed down. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake

Amount of coal Consumed  31 Bush

Amount  -    -   on hand      848   -


U.S.S. Argosy                                             Saturday, April 30th 1864______________




12 to 4 Strong wind from the S.W. and cloudy. @ 3.00 the two Gunboats and their convoy started down the river. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.00 the Str “Meteor” started down the river, crew employed cleaning ship. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.15 the St Clair went up the river to convoy the Transport “Silverwave.” Steam 10 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson




12 to 4 Light breeze from the Wd and cloudy. @ 2.30 commenced exercising with the 12 Pdr Rifle Howitzer on the Quarter deck. (4) four shots expended. Also expended (3) three shots with No2 Gun. 24 Pdr Howitzer and got excellent range on the upper Fort with both Guns. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 6 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 7.00 U.S. Hospital boat and Transport came down the river and came to Anchor. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner

Amount of coal consumed  20 bus.

Amount  -   -   on hand      828   -


Approved for April

John C. Morong

Act Ensign Comdg


U.S.S. Argosy                                                  Sunday, May 1st 1864______________




12 to 4 Light N.W. wind. Cloudy and light rain. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Light wind from the Nd and cool. @ 5.00 Steamer “Madison” got underway and went down the river. Steam 15 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Light wind from the Nd and cloudy. @ 9.00 had Quarters. @ 10.00 had general Muster. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Calm and clear. Two transports came up the river and went alongside the bank. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary

Amount of coal Consd  28 bush

Amount  -   -   on hand 800  -


U.S.S. Argosy                                                  Monday, May 2nd 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm with light haze. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 8 Light wind from the S.W. @ 5.00 weighed anchor and proceeded up the river as convoy to the “Laurel Hill” and “Rob Roy.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason



8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 8.00 went to Quarters. @ 8.45 a woman on the bank hailed and told us that there was about (300) Three hundred Rebels a short distance above. @ 9.00 they opened on us with (1) one piece of Artillery and Musketry which was returned by the “Laurel Hill” with great guns and by the “Rob Roy” with Musketry. We Immediately opened fire with Bow and Broadside Guns, our third shot from Port broadside gun disabled the enemy’s piece. They kept up an Incessant fire for half an hour, then crossed a point and opened again, during the time we were repeatably struck with musket balls, no one injured the “Rob Roy” had one killed and one wounded. @ 11.30 met the Gunboat “St Clair” and “Covington” was ordered by Capt Gregory to return to station, we dropped astern of convoy and started down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean




12 to 4 Strong wind from the Wd and clear proceeding down the river with convoy. @ 3.00 Went alongside the St Clair at Reeves Landing. @ 3.00 started down the river with the St Clair in tow. took on board (8) eight contrabands at Wilsons Plantation. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 6 Strong Wd wind. Underway down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.15 went to quarters. @ 7.00 came to anchor astern of the “St Clair” off Fort DeRussy with the “Covington” and “Signal” several Transports Laying here awaiting convoys. Steam 10 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and warm. Steam 10 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


U.S.S. Argosy                                                  Tuesday, May 3rd 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. St Clair continued firing shot and shell every hour during the watch. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 5.00 got underway and went alongside the St Clair and received on board Four officers and seven men and Three men as Prisoners. @ 5.30 underway down the river as convoy to Transports. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light wind from the Sd and clear. Underway bound down the river. @ 11.00 beat to Quarters and fired three shots. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 12.00 went to Quarters and remained half an hour in consequence of information received that the Rebels were on the bank. @ 3.15 passed the Gunboat No54, going up the river. @ 3.30 arrived at the mouth of Red River. Comdr went on board the “Black Hawk” to Report. @ 4.00 went alongside the coal barge after delivering some contrabands to the “Jennie Rogers.” Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 6 Calm and clear, crew employed coaling ship. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


6 to 8 Light wind from the Sd crew coaling ship. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.30 finished coaling having taking on board (1092) bushels. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean

Consumed this Day,   80 B.

Amount on Hand      1550

Received on Board   1092


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Wednesday, May 4th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 50 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 4.30 got underway and went alongside the Ice barge and took in one ton of Ice, then went alongside the “Judge Torrence” and took on board Eight boxes of 24 Pdr Shrapnel, Three boxes of 24 Pdr Shell and six hundred Primers, Twenty five fine W papers for fuses, Three sponges. @ 7.30 went alongside the “Black Hawk” and made fast to a coal barge. Delivered Three prisoners and three men from the “Louisville” with a Pilot, took on Fifty (12 Pdr) percussion shell and cartridges. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Light S.W. wind and clear. @ 8.15 cast loose from the “Black Hawk” with an empty barge in tow and proceeded up Red River. @ 11.00 fired two shell from the Rifled 12 Pdr. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary




12 to 4 Light wind from the S.W. @ 1.00 delivered dispatches to the U.S.S. “Nymph” at the mouth of “Black river.” @ 2.30 received on board Act Ensign Burns to take passage to “Alexandria” and mail for the Fleet. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 6 Calm and clear. Crew employed coaling ship, proceeding up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.30 finished coaling having received (186) one hundred and Eighty six bushels. @ 7.30 came to anchor off “Fort DeRussy” in five fathoms of water. Fired one shell in the direction of the fort. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light wind from the Sd and clear. @ 10.00 a colored man belonging to the “City belle” which was Sunk by the Rebs. hailed us. We sent our boat and brought him onboard. John McCabe confined in double Irons for Insolence. Steam 20 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake

Consumed this Day  170 B

Amount on Board    1550

Received on Board     180.


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Thursday, May 5th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 50 lbs.


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 5.00 weighed anchor and started up the river heard heavy firing ahead and picking up Soldiers from the City belle. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 10.00 commenced shelling the woods and picking up men which escaped from the “City Belle” which was destroyed by the Rebel’s. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


12 to 4 P.M._____________________________________________________________

Repaired damages and started up at 2.45 met the “Forrest Rose” returning having been struck in the hull, at this time a number of U.S. Soldiers from “Transport” “Warner” and five Seaman of the U.S. Gunboat Covington came on the bank and informed us that those boats had been destroyed above in attempting to run the batteries took them on board and was ordered down the river by Lieut. Johnson, Senior officer comdg “Forrest Rose.”

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 6 Arrived at “Fort DeRussy” and went alongside the “Forrest Rose” @ 5.30 took on board some Soldiers and the crew of the “Warner” and one wounded white woman and was ordered to Mouth of Red River to report to Lieut Comdr breeze Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                TJ Dean



12 to 4 Calm and clear, coming up the river occasionally picking men from the “City Belle.” @ 1.10 Rebels opened on us with two Rifled Guns and two Howitzers. Battery was at the head of the ? Two of the Rifled shell struck ? amidship’s and passing down ? Exploded in the Engine Rooms ? off the escape pipe and disabled the Starboard tiller. We returned ? with our two Bow Guns and Rifled ? Howitzer the latter only reaching ? the range being to long for five ? Fuze. the barge in tow being ? we cut it loose and then ? ship almost unmanageable on ? the disabled tiller. We winded ? head-down stream and attempted ? out of range. We opened fire from ? Starboard Battery on part of the ? Battery which had “Limbered up” and ? persuing us down stream, driving ? back. Expended 25 Percussion she ? ? shell and one solid ? from 12 Pdr Rifle. 52, 24 Pdr ? and 18, 12 Pdr Shrapnell. @ 1.45 U.S.S. “Forrest Rose” came up and ordered ? to repair damage and follow ? went up to Engage the enemy ?

                           The preceding page was cut off on the right edge.


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Friday, May 6th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear, underway down the river. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.00 Landed astern of the “Black Hawk” and sent the troop’s ashore. @ 7.15 went alongside the “Samson” to repair machinery. Steam 95 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.00 the carpenters came aboard and commenced operation. Steam down

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Calm and clear, Steam down

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Light breeze from the Sd and clear. Steam Down.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Strong S.E. wind and cloudy. Received on board 2 Bxs Hotchkiss 12 Pdr Rifle time Fuze – shell. 2 Bx’s Percussion Shell 1 Bx Cartridges. Steam Down.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Light wind from the S.E. and cloudy. Steam down.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary

Consumed this Day,   50 Bh.

Ammount on Hand   1250 “

Total Number of sick Two (2)


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Saturday, May 7th 1864______________




12 to 4 Fresh breeze from the S.E. and clear. Steam Down

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 5.45 Received order’s from the “Flag Ship” to train our Battery on the cotton Laying on Shore, as an attempt to burn it was – anticipated. Steam down.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Light wind from the S.E. and cloudy. Carpenters came aboard to do Repairs. @ 10.00 a Tug came alongside for the ten men that we picked up from the Steamer’s “Signal” and “Covington.” @ 10.30 Relit fires. @ 11.30 Machinery finished. Steam 95 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean




12 to 4 Light wind from the ? @ 12.30 Got up anchor and started up the river. Carpenters remained on board to repair Ship. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 6 Calm and clear, underway bound up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


6 to 8 Calm and cloudy. @ 7.20 was hailed by a ? on shore at the foot of ? “Island.” Landed and took ? women refugees and ? goods aboard. @ 8.00 started up the river. Steam 130 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ ? Transport “Illinois” passed. @ 10.20 stopped alongside “General Price” and Delivered dispatches, also three women and their furniture. @ 11.25 ? down the river. @ 11.45 came to anchor off the foot of “? Island” in three fathoms of water. Steam 95 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson

Consumed this Day   140 B.

Amount on Hand       1060 “

                                                 The preceding page was cut off on the right edge.



U.S.S. Argosy                                               Sunday, May 8th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 4.00 Got underway and proceeded down the river. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 7.10 made fast to a coal barge astern of U.S. Flag Ship “Black Hawk” at mouth of “Red River” Steam 130 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light wind from the Wd and clear. @ 8.40 commenced coaling ship. Steam 25 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake




12 to 4 Light W. wind and clear. @ 1.30 Got underway and proceeded up “Red River.” Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 6 Light wind from the Wd and clear. @ 5.30 fired percussion shell from the Rifle 12Pdr Howitzer. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


6 to 8 Light wind from the Wd. @ 6.30 picked up a dead “Sailor” who had a bundle of citizens clothes tied around his waist and looked as though he had been Shot and scalded. U.S.S. “Meteor” passed down the river. @ 7.10 U.S. Ram “Avenger” passed down. @ 7.15 came to anchor in five fathoms of water veered to fifteen fathoms of chain. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Light wind from the Sd with passing clouds. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason

Consumed this Day   150 B.

Amount on Hand      1430 “

Received this Day      320 “


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Monday, May 9th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 4.00 Got underway and proceeded up the river. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 8 Light wind from the Sd and clear. @ 7.15 made fast alongside the bank at Fort “DeRussy.” Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Light S.W. wind and cloudy. @ 8.30 sent a squad of men ashore in charge of A.M.Mate McCreary to bury the man found last night floating in the river. @ 9.00 had General Quarters and drill for one hour. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner




12 to 4 Light rain and cloudy. @ 12.15 U.S.S. No46 came up and landed astern of us. @ 1.00 she started down the river. @ 2.00 the “Forest Rose” came up and tied up below the “Transports” laying here. Steam 75 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 6 Light wind and cloudy. @ 5.15 Got underway and started up the river in company with the “Forest Rose.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


6 to 8 Light wind with passing clouds. @ 6.15 Signalized from the “Forest Rose” to return. Came to anchor Four hundred yards below the “Choctaw.” Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Cloudy and dark with indications of rain. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean

Amount of coal consumed  80 bus.

Amount  “   “    on hand    1350 –


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Tuesday, May 10th 1864______________




12 to 4 Strong wind from the Sd with light rain. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 8 Light Sth wind with drizzling rain. Steam 70 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Cloudy and raining. @ 8.30 the “Forest Rose” came down the river and anchored above the “Choctaw.” Put ? Francis in double Irons on bread and water for Refusing to obey orders. @ 9.30 weighed anchor and proceeded down the river. @ 10.00 went to Quarters. Met the Gunboats No 46 and 47 coming up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary




12 to 4 Light wind and clear. @ 12.25 made fast alongside the bank in “Battery bend.” @ 1.00 sent crew ashore to destroy the Earth works of the Enemy. @ 3.00 “Forest Rose” came down the river as convoy to transports. @ 3.45 Started up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 6 Light wind from the S.W. with light showers – underway up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


6 to 8 Light wind from the N.W. and cloudy. @ 6.00 came to anchor off Fort DeRussy. @ 7.20 up anchor and let go again close into Shore. Steam 95 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Strong wind from the Wd and clear. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake

Amount of coal consd  120 bus.

Amount  “   “  on hand 1230 –


U.S.S. Argosy                                              Wednesday, May 11th 1864______________




12 to 4 Strong wind from the Nd with passing clouds. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 8 Fresh breeze from the Nd cold and cloudy. @ 7.00 the Gunboats No 9 and No 53 came up the river and anchored astern of the “Choctaw.” @ 7.45 weighed anchor and started down the river.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Strong wind and clear. @ 9.30 U.S. Gunboat No 46 passed up the river, @ 11.30 the No 46 passed down. @ 12.00 Rounded too and proceeded up the river. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson




12 to 4 Fresh wind and clear proceeding up the river on Patrol. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 6 Light wind from the ? and clear. @ 4.30 met U.S.Str ? going down the river. @ ?? made fast to the bank opposite “Fort DeRussy.” While getting on ? line we were fired into with musketry from Rifle Pits in ? bend below the Fort. Opened fire with Bow Guns and Rifle. Expended four 12 Pdr Percussion Shell and Two 24 Pdr Shrapnell. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.20 weighed anchor and started down the river. @ 7.20 came to anchor Six miles below Fort DeRussy. ?

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Artillery firing heard up the river. Steam ?

                                                                                                A.B. Horner

Amount of coal consumed  100 Bush.

Amount  “   “   on hand      1130  “

                                 The preceding page was cut off on the right edge.


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Thursday, May 12th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and thick fog. Steam 60 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Calm and thick fog. @ 7.15 weighed anchor and proceeded down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.00 Landed at battery bend and in company with the U.S.Str “Nymph” proceeded to destroy the Earthworks erected by the enemy. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 12.10 got underway to go up the river. @ 12.40 Enemy appeared on left bank. We beat to Quarters and opened on them with Bow and Port broadside Guns. @ 2.30 arrived at “Fort DeRussy” when we were fired on with musketry, returned the fire with Rifle Gun on Qr Deck. Expended Seven 24 Pdr Shrapnell, one 12 Pdr Shrapnell and four Percussion Shell. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Light wind from the Sd. @ 4.20 Got underway and started down the river. @ 6.00 came to anchor twelve miles below Fort DeRussy in company with the U.S. Ram “Avenger.” Steam 90 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Calm and clear. Steam 95 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Periodically Musketry firing heard. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


Amount of coal Consd  140 bush.

Amount  “   “   on hand 990   -


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Saturday, May 14th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 8 Calm and clear. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.00 had quarters. @ 10.00 the U.S.Str “Benton” came up. @ 1.45 She proceeded up the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary




12 to 4 Light wind and clear. @ 2.25 Weighed anchor and Patroled to “Fort DeRussy” in company with the “Avenger.” @ 2.45 Beat to Quarters. @ 4.00 made fast to the bank opposite “Fort DeRussy.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 6 Calm and clear. @ 4.45 Got underway and started down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


6 to 8 Light wind from the Wd and cloudy, underway down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Calm and cloudy. @ 9.05 arrived at ‘Black River’ and made fast alongside a coal barge. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake

Amount of coal Consd   100 bus.

Amount  “   “  on hand   800  -


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Sunday, May 15th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and cloudy. Steam 10 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 4.30 commenced coaling ship. @ 5.15 U.S.S. “Avenger” came alongside of the barge and commenced coaling. U.S.S. “Lafayette” went down the river. Steam 95 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and pleasant. @ 9.30 finished coaling having received 730) Seven hundred and thirty Bushels. @ 10.30 Got underway and proceeded up “Red River” with dispatches. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson




12 to 4 Calm and clear. @ 2.00 began meeting the returning fleet. @ 3.20 met Flag Ship. Capt. reported on board of her. when we again proceeded up the river. @ 4.00 arrived at Fort DeRussy.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 6 Light wind from the Wd and clear. @ 5.00 got underway and proceeded down the river with convoy. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


6 to 8 Light wind from the Wd and clear. Underway in company with a fleet of transports bound down the river. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Calm with passing clouds. @ 9.20 tied up to the shore with the fleet. @ 11.20 U.S.Str St Clair passed down. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner

Amount of coal received   730 bus.

Amount  “   “     consd      120   -

Amount  “   “  on hand    1410  -


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Monday, May 16th 1864______________




12 to 4 Light wind and clear. @ 1.00 Left the Transports and proceeded down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Light wind from the S.W. and clear. @ 5.30 Started down the ‘Atchafalya’ river about two miles, rounded too, came up and anchored in Old river off the mouth of the “Atchafalya.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 10.00 the U.S.S. “Carondelet” came down. Capt went on board. @ 11.00 the U.S.S. “Chillicothe” came down and landed above the mouth of the “Atchafalya.” Fleet coming down and landing. Up anchor and landed at the bank below the “Chillicothe.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Light wind from the Sd and clear. @ 12.40 Started down “Atchafalya” Bayou in company with the “Mound City.” “Pittsburg” “Carondelet” “Louisville” “Chillicothe” and “Gazelle.” @ 1.00 beat to Quarters. @ 1.30 beat Retreat. Landed at the bank and went alongside the “Mound City” “Pittsburg” and “Carondelet.” @ 3.00 took on board a Tugmaster and proceeded to the mouth of “Atchafalya” river for Stores. Steam 115 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


4 to 6 Calm and clear. @ 4.00 went alongside the “Sioux City” and took on board provisions for the Iron Clads that were put on board when passing the Falls at “Alexandria.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 7.15 finished taking on Ammunition and provisions. Steam 75 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 8.00 Started down the ‘Atchafalya.’ received a bearer of Dispatches for General Banks to take passage to “Simsport.” @ 9.00 came to anchor ahead of the “Chillicothe.”

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary

Amount of coal consd  110 bush.

Amount  “   “  on hand 1300  “


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Tuesday, May 17th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. steam 70 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


4 to 8 Calm and hazy. @ 6.30 up anchor and went alongside U.S.Str Chillicothe and discharged P.M. and O. Stores received for her yesterday. Cast loose and went alongside U.S.S. “Carondelet” and began discharging P.M. Stores. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 9.00 went alongside the “Mound City” and discharged P.M. Stores. @ 10.20 went alongside the Louisville and discharged P.M. and Ord Stores aboard of her. @ 11.30 proceeded down the river. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean




12 to 4 Light S. wind and clear. @ 12.45 Landed alongside the ? in Old River. @ 1.00 Got underway and proceeded down Old River. @ 1.00 went alongside the St Clair to ? “Capt Gregory” and started down the ‘Atchafalya’ River, passed ? “Gazelle” coming up. Landed at “Simsport.” Genl Banks Army ? in. @ 2.00 came to anchor in seven fathoms of water. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


4 to 6 Calm and clear. Steam ?

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


6 to 8 Calm and clear. Steam ?

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Steam ?

                                                                                                R.W. Alson

Amount of coal consumed  60 bush

Amount  “   “  on hand      1240 “

                                  The preceding page was cut off on the right edge.


U.S.S. Argosy                                              Wednesday, May 18th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 8 Calm and cloudy. Steam 70 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


8 to 12 Light N. wind and cloudy with rain. The Army building a bridge of Transports over the river. Steam 70 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake




12 to 4 Light wind from the S.E. and cloudy. @ 1.00 weighed anchor and proceeded up the “Atchafalya.” @ 3.30 arrived at mouth of Red River, went alongside a coal barge and made fast. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 6 Calm and clear. @ 4.00 Started up “Old River.” @ 4.45 commenced coaling ship. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A McCreary


6 to 8 Strong wind from the N.W. with Light rain. @ 6.45 moored ship opposite “Simmsport.” Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Light wind from the Wd and cloudy. @ 10.00 U.S.S. “Pittsburgh” came down and anchored astern of us. @ 10.30 the “Gazelle” started up the “Bayou.” Steam 90 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason

Amount of coal Received  244 bus

Amount  -    -  Consumed    80   -

Amount – on hand            1404 –


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Friday, May 20th 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and foggy. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


4 to 8 Calm with thick fog. Crew employed cleaning ship. @ 7.30 the Tug Thistle came alongside. Steam. 80 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


8 to 12 Calm and clear. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson




12 to 4 Calm and clear. Steam 80 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason


4 to 6 Calm and clear. @ 4.00 U.S.S. “Gazelle” towed coal barge alongside ‘New National’ came alongside delivered mail. 3 Kegs Paint, 1 Can Turpentine, 1 Bx Sardine, 1 brl Oil. we put on board of her 1 Brl Paint for the “Osage.” @ 6.00 Left the bank with the coal barge in tow. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean


6 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 6.20 went alongside the “Chillicothe” with the coal barge. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


8 to 12 Calm and clear. @ 8.10 John Gardiner (Landsman) died of Typhoid fever. @ 11.30 got underway and went alongside the bank with the coal barge. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson

Amount of coal Consd  50 bu

Amount  -   -  on hand 1314 –


Total Number of sick Three (3)


U.S.S. Argosy                                               Saturday, May 21st 1864______________




12 to 4 Calm and foggy. Steam 40 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 8 Calm and clear. @ 7.30 let go from the bank and proceeded down the river with the fleet. Steam 100 lbs.

                                                                                                R.W. Alson


8 to 12 Light breeze and clear. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.W. Mason




12 to 4 Light wind from the ? @ 12.30 moored ship to the ? astern of the U.S.Str Black Hawk and buried “John Gardiner.” @ 2.00 towed barge above the ? ship and moored it with the barges, took on board (600) Six hundred lbs. of Ice. @ 3.00 Started down the river for “Donaldsonville.” Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                J.A. McCreary


4 to 6 Light wind from the Sd and clear, proceeding down the river. Steam 115 lbs.

                                                                                                P. Lake


6 to 8 Light S. wind and clear. Underway bound down the river. Steam 130 lbs.

                                                                                                A.B. Horner


8 to 12 Light wind from ? and clear. Steam 120 lbs.

                                                                                                T.J. Dean

Amount of coal Consd  130 bush

Amount -   -  on hand  1134  -


Total Number of sick Two (2)

                                The preceding page was cut off on the right side.

                     Friday May 13th and Thursday May 19th were missing.

Picture courtesy of Navy Historical Institute    

  The excerpts below were transcribed by untrained inmates from the Avoyelles Correctional Center, a branch of the Louisiana Department of Corrections. They have not yet been proofed. There are transcription errors. Researchers should be aware . . .